Saving the Hero – Interview with Sabrina Sumsion

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Welcome, tell the readers a little bit about yourself.

A: I’m a ninja disguised as a homeschooling mom, former literary publicist, craft-aholic and all around reading diva.  Really, I kick down doors –no, wait, that was my husband when I locked us out of the house . . . Well, I engage in combat on a regular basis –online when I play MMORPGs with my children . . . OK, maybe I’m not a real ninja but my husband says I stole his heart.  Does that count?

No? Shoot. Well, I love reading and I love writing.  I think imagination is the biggest advantage a child can get in life and I try to allow my children many opportunities to expand theirs every day.

I love teaching authors how to avoid publishing traps and scams as well as how to market themselves and their works.  There is nothing better in life than giving someone information that helps them become successful. I get a high off speaking to large groups of people –especially when I see the ah-ha moment in their face.

I also take a few hours each week and create jewelry, make lotions or paint something.  I have little creation stations scattered through the house.  My daughter gets into it a lot and scatters things which drives my husband crazy but remember how I mentioned that he says I stole his heart?  Yeah.  I’m not giving it back.  He’s stuck with me forever.  Bwah ha ha ha!

What do you do when you aren’t writing?

A: When I’m not writing, I’m teaching my children or reading. Sometimes cooking or baking. I also like to make little craft projects. People ask me how I find time for everything, but a big factor is we don’t have cable so I don’t feel like I have to watch a lot of TV to justify the expense. That frees up so much more time. There’s also the small issue of ADD or something similar. I don’t see it, but my husband thinks I should finish putting up shelves before I tear down a new wall. I think he’s a bit extreme. Finish a project before you start a new one? That’s just crazy talk, but maybe it’s me.

If you had to choose a favorite book, what would it be? 

A: This question I put up there with “what’s your favorite ice cream”. How do you choose? It is creamy, sugary and there’s so many different combinations of flavors there’s no way to have a set favorite. There’s a different flavor for each situation for why you buy the ice cream. With books, I get sucked into so many different worlds and minds and each one has a place. For example, when I worked in Human Resources, I was a Dilbert junkie. I kept searching the offices looking for Scott Adams because surely he must have been hiding out in our company taking notes. Back when I was 10 (we won’t discuss how long ago that was), I had read almost all the books in our house and I decided that I would take on The Lord of the Rings. That was my gateway drug into fantasy and science fiction. It will always hold a special place in my heart. I went through a Dragon Lance phase and read everything by Tracey Hickman and Margaret Weiss. Now, I eagerly anticipate anything Brandon Sanderson releases while systematically devouring (literarily) our local library’s cozy mystery section.

What inspired you to start writing?

A: I didn’t intend to be an author. I was very happy as a reader until I had the opportunity to work as a literary publicist. While helping authors get on television, radio and newspaper coverage, I came across many authors who were scammed out of thousands of dollars by predatory publishing companies. It saddened me to hear about thousands of dollars in debt and even people losing their homes! I began my first book, Produce, Publish, Publicize as a white paper to help aspiring authors avoid traps in the publishing industry. It evolved into a book which I sold at events where I spoke about marketing, branding, publicity and other topics. Then, people started talking about the new fangled digital publishing platform on Amazon. I put Produce, Publish, Publicize on there to see what would happen. I wanted to play with the tools more, so I wrote the first Aliens Are Real book as another product to play with. Unexpectedly, I enjoyed the process. A lot. Then people started asking where the next book in that series was. Now I’m completely hooked on writing.

Do you have a set writing schedule, or do you do it when the fancy strikes? 

A: The goal is to write every morning for an hour before the kids wake up. That’s getting harder now that I’m pregnant, but that’s what I work for every day. There are some times that a scene will click in my head and I have to write it immediately and that is sometimes in the middle of the day. Thank goodness for amazing kids and a very tolerant husband!

Do you outline or write as you go (describe your writing process)? 

A: I’m an outlining seat of the pants-er. Tee hee hee. My process is I get an idea and let it mull over for a while. It’s usually the climax scene that pops into my head in vivid detail. Then I play the game of figuring out what needs to happen to get my characters there. Along the way, scenes will pop in my head. I’ll get those down on paper then figure out the organization later. It’s like a big jig saw puzzle for me. I get all the parts and piece them together. Along the way, the characters will tell me some of the pieces are wrong and then I have to go back and fix things. One of the best things I’ve started doing is grabbing note cards and write down the scenes as they come. I then go back and figure out a semblance of order and that helps me stay on track. Another amazing tool is the program Scriviner. I can add all my scenes and drag them into the correct order easily.

Do you have a certain vice that helps you write?  

A: No vices per se, but I find I writer better with instrumental music in the background. Most of Saving the Hero was written while listening to Capo Productions’ You Tube play lists.

Describe your muse.

A: My muse is life. Produce, Publish, Publicize was inspired by the people with whom I communicated. Aliens Are Real was inspired by a dream. Saving the Hero was inspired by reading a study on parasites. I have the concept for a mystery series inspired by a woman for whom I care take.

Are the people in your life supportive of your writing? 

A: I am blessed to have many people that support my writing. My husband is extremely tolerant of my quirks and taking off to do presentation and book events. My mother is also an author so we talk shop all the time as well as beta read for each other. I have a writers group where we have forged not only professional relationships, but also friendships. I adore them and couldn’t do this without everyone in my life.

Tell us about your current work in progress.

A: I just launched Saving the Hero which is about a vampire hunter trying to find a person who can resist the parasite that causes vampirism. The constant call from those who have read it is for the sequel. I have about 5,000 words on the sequel and most of the outline completed. However, I put Aliens Are Real: Part 4 on pause while I finished Saving the Hero. That’s around 18,000 words complete and I need to finish that before I finish Saving the Hero 2. I’ll get there… eventually.

If you could have one super power, what would it be and why

A: I would love the power to have my ideas instantly appear in writing on my computer. I have around 10 novels started and outlined, but not enough time to give all of them attention. If I could just open a little hatch in my brain and download all my thoughts, the process would go so much faster!

Where can you find Sabrina?

saving-the-heroFINALSaving the Hero

Book One

Sabrina Sumsion

Genre: Urban Fantasy

Publisher: Sanguine Publishing

Date of Publication: 8-8-2014

ISBN: 9781500569693


Number of pages: 248

Word Count: 67,000

Cover Artist: Victorine Lieske

Book Description:

Two and a half weeks. That’s all the time he has left.

When loner vampire hunter Kassy is interrupted by nosy veteran, Mike, he ends up bitten, and infected with the vampire parasite. The warrior becomes her prey as she fights to find him before powerful vamps. A couple kidnappings later, she’s hiding in a cabin with him chained to the floor, and an eight-year-old girl in her care.

Death? Inevitable. When the parasite takes control, he’ll do or say anything to get non-infected blood—including seducing her. But, as they spend time together, she finds her resolve weakening. A kiss won’t fix him, but it might mend a deep hole in her heart.

Kassy is too practical to believe in miracles, but if he survives eighteen days without ingesting human blood, there is a chance he could be the hero she’s been looking for.

Odds are he’s a dead man.




Now Available for Pre-Order!


After an extra month in edits, Running out of Time is finally done and available for Pre-Order!

Book Description:

A cosmic event has brought death and destruction to planet earth. The landscape has changed. Only a small portion of the human race has survived and now they face a new threat.

Before Dr. Mark Stone retired from the Center for Disease Control, his final assignment was to move all samples of viruses and bacteria to a top secret facility in Nashville, TN—a facility strictly off the books to avoid terrorists from stealing potentially deadly diseases. The building was secured, but no one could have foretold of the massive earthquakes, floods, meteors, and tornadoes that rip the planet apart. The vials are broken, mixing and leaking into the heart of Nashville, infecting what few survivors exist.  Now that the bacteria have bonded and mutated, they are face with real life zombies.

The CDC calls on one of the few surviving men with the knowledge to help them treat and contain the situation but Mark has problems of his own.

Can he get his nanotech up and running before the human race is finally erased from the planet, or will he run out of time?

Spotlight: @Matt_Holgate


The Dim Realm, Volume I

Matt Holgate

Genre: Sci-Fi & Fantasy

Date of Publication: June 4, 2012

ASIN: B0089U0B16

ISBN: 1475912765

Number of pages: 717

Kindle   Kobo  Nook

Book Description:

When former blacksmith Corin Drey finds himself lying on his back in the midst of Orthin’s Wood, he cannot imagine what has happened. The last thing he remembers is searching for Thom Blaire’s wife—one of the disappeared. As he slowly sits up and looks around, he sees dead soldiers hanging from trees and other bodies scattered about the burnt forest floor. Corin knows he must find his way home—but how?

Seventeen-year-old Kara Kinfolk has an old soul. Her small town of Arrow’s Flight is idyllic and quiet. But when travelers and residents start to vanish, no one appears interested in finding them. Worse yet are the nightmares, the voices that whisper to her from the shadows, and the dark house at the center of town where secret rituals are performed. Now the house, which possesses powers that prevent anyone from entering or leaving town, has begun to desire Kara for reasons she cannot comprehend. Kara knows she must flee Arrow’s Flight—but how?

As Kara sets out on a quest to quell an ancient evil, she must rely on Corin and a stranger to help her follow a maze of clues that she hopes will lead to an escape—before it is too late.

About the Author:

Matt Holgate is a Canadian independent author of horror and fantasy, and is best known for the ongoing dark fantasy series, ‘The Resurrection Tower’. He has published three books with a fourth slated for 2015.


Finding Matt Holgate:







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#Amazon Listens to its Authors?

Yes, yes they do!  In my last post, Clash of the Titans: Amazon v. Hatchett, I talked a LOT about a lot of things. But to shorten this up for you – I said Amazon could sweeten the deal.  I talked about how Amazon wanted to involve us (the little guy) in their battle against Hatchett but offers the big publishing houses features we don’t have, such as the pre-order button.

Guess what? Four days later (tonight) I get a letter from Amazon. Guess what I now have at my disposal? A PRE-ORDER BUTTON! That’s right – Amazon listened. Someone there is paying attention. This might be why Amazon has become as large and successful as they are. Someone there is paying attention and listening to their content providers.

Don’t misunderstand. It’s not just because Kim Mullican said this – other authors were blogging something similar. It made a difference.


When kindness shocks

What I do

My books have a lot of violence.  They contain sexual assault, murder, physical altercations, gunshots and sometimes, serial killers.  Mostly because of the genre in which I write (crime fiction), there is violence… and a lot of it.  But honestly, it’s because I’m fascinated that the human mind can go so terribly awry.

What doesn’t shock me.

I find it odd when people hear about shootings or other acts of violence and say, “I can’t believe it.”  I do believe it.  It’s not difficult to wrap my mind around the random acts of violence that plague our earth anymore.  I shake my head.  My heart aches for my children, knowing that the world isn’t becoming a better place.  I worry about the potential violence that may reach their lives, and mourn the loss of their innocence because some of it has.  I don’t expect the violence, but I know and accept that it exists.  I’m not in shock.  I think this is healthy. It makes me aware.  It makes me prepared.

Kindness shocks

I’ve run across a lot of stories in the last month or so about random acts of kindness, paying it forward and human compassion.  This does shock me.  Why?  Because it’s been so long since I’ve borne witness to such events myself.  Below are just a few stories that touched my heart.  I do hope they touch yours.

Parents give away Starbucks coffee to commemorate their daughter #AJO.  It’s a touching story that spread across the web, twitter, race, religion, states… Just warms your heart.

ht_alyssa_oneill_coffee_jtm_130927_16x9_992  Click here to read full story.

An act of empathy on a train. (Click here to read the full story.)  Why does this touch us?  Is it so shocking because there is a hooded African American male sleeping on the yarmulke wearing Jew?  The man simply felt empathy and compassion because (brace yourself) he’d been that tired before.  He didn’t see a threat. He didn’t worry about his own comfort.  He’d been so tired he’d fallen asleep on a train and knew the young man must have needed the rest.

Courtesy of the Huffington Post.

Courtesy of the Huffington Post.

And finally, the story of this San Diego officer’s random act of kindness moments before his death.  His murder isn’t the topic of the story, it’s what he did for one 13 year old boy.  He bought him McDonalds and chatted with him about his future.  He was shot to death moments later sitting in his squad car… only a short time after returning from serving two tours in Iraq.

It’s not okay with me that I’m not shocked by violence, but I am by empathy, compassion and kindness.  I fear that I’m not alone in this.  We should come to expect these things.

Giving up the Farm!

Not My Daughter is finally released!

Kindle Cover If you go to my webpage you can find the format you’re looking for.  It’s available in print, Kindle and Nook.

I have experimented with Amazon’s KDP Select Program. What this means for me, as an author, is that I grant Amazon exclusivity to the book in the program.  It cannot be available in any other format.  What this also means is that I can do free promotions.

I can only do them with Amazon.   I haven’t seen any benefit to being in the Select program… but you can benefit.

From April 30 – May 4, I’m giving away Yoder’s Farm for free.  So go here: and download it for free if you don’t have it already.  The only thing I ask for is an honest review.  Of course, this is the honor system.  I’m not going to track you down and gouge out your eyes for not posting a review…but it would be appreciated.  Yoder's Farm

Spread the word to your friends that like free books!

Thank you to everyone who has supported me through the years.  Your continued support keeps me writing!

No Apologies!

What does it mean to be an author?

Writing is a solitary existence.  You sit alone for hours pounding out as many well-crafted words as you can.  Then you toil over plot, prose, character development and tone.  If that’s not enough, there’s rounds and rounds of edits before you even send your novel out to beta readers.  You will have to write and publish numerous novels to start making real dough.

Research First

As an author, I spent years online reading the blogs of those who made it work, such as Joe Konrath.  The man makes a truck load of money on his books.  It wasn’t overnight and it took a bunch of work, I mean a bunch.  Read his blog archive if you think I’m joking.  This guy hit the pavement and just did not take “no” for an answer.

I’ve followed Social Media expert, Kristen Lamb.  Not only is she very real, she’s super helpful and friendly.  I happen to also enjoy her sense of humor and deep affection for Star Wars.

But I digress; these are two examples of people I’ve followed.  The list is long.  One commonality of these folks is that they serve the reader.  Another likeness that appeals to me, is their willingness to share their personal stories (at least with regards to writing) and the struggles it took for them to reach their success.  Mr. Konrath doesn’t mind telling you he starved for a while.  The wonderful Ms. Lamb doesn’t mind telling you her family thought she was cuckoo for leaving her professional career to dive in as a writer.

Be Who You Are

I am who I am.  I drink sometimes.  I smoke, though I wish I didn’t.  I use foul language at times.  My stories nearly always contain violence and sex.  It isn’t for everyone, and that much I understand.  I don’t expect those folks to purchase my books.  I remember reading somewhere that authors put a bit of themselves in characters and that much I believe, I’ve done it myself, even when I didn’t realize it.

But part of being who you are, is understanding who you are.  Don’t apologize for it!

I never have, nor will I ever, apologize for who I am.  Several events in my life have aided in forming who I am today.  I’ve always been one of those people who is very accepting.  I keep it simple: as long as you’re not hurting anyone, you’re okay by me!

But there are those fanatics and nuts who will judge you.  They won’t like how you represented this or that subject matter.  They will say things about you that are not nice.

But this business demands thick skin.  If you don’t have it, bow out gracefully.  My skin is thick.  It’s not that words don’t hurt me, because they do.  I often times will go over something someone has said that was negative and see if I can find a positive aspect.

But I am who I am.  “I dare do all that may become a man; Who dares do more, is none.” ~Shakespeare

No Apologies

I’m not advising you to run around and be a douche.  Purposefully damaging others who’ve not harmed you is just plain nonsense.  As an author, we must try to maintain a certain amount of professionalism.  But for Christ’s sake, do not apologize.  Be loud, be proud, be you.

One Woman Army


I was a consistent blogger, but I’ve been absent as of late.  This is due to the chaos that has been happening in our lives.  I’m knee deep in trying to save my daughter’s life, combating  a lawyer whose power seems to be far reaching as he pretty much represents the majority of our county government, who has used officers of the law to bully and intimidate me… and it goes on from there.

Girl Power

This small phrase has always annoyed me for some unknown reason.  I have never believed there’s a special power that comes just from being female.  I worked my ass off as a teenager, often times working full or overtime while still attending high school.  It wasn’t power, it was growing up poor that gave me the drive.


Then things changed… I managed to survive an abusive marriage.  I didn’t come out of it unscathed.  I divorced a lawyer who managed through deviant means to keep my children, including my daughter, who I had before I’d ever met him.  It’s not like he won a custody battle, he manipulated me into signing documents after I hadn’t slept or eaten in days.  I have been fighting to right that wrong since it happened.

But surviving his abuse was only the first step.  Getting out alive was a miracle.  It took me nearly a year to find myself again, to find my strength and to discover what ‘girl power’ really was.

Not my Daughter!

There have been dozens of reports made to the Department of Child Services (or CPS depending on where you’re from,) about my ex being abusive to my children.  There have been six separate investigations, but he’s a lawyer and good at manipulation and he’s managed to weasel his way out of trouble every time.

My daughter finally managed to record him.  She thought she was free.  She was wrong.  Several things have happened that I’d love to tell you about, but after being forced to sign a confidentiality agreement by DCS, I cannot.  But let me tell you this, it’s so convoluted and contrived that I don’t even believe it and I’m living the nightmare.   I can only hope my baby girl survives it.  But I’m still fighting, fighting for her, fighting for her sanity, fighting for her freedom and yes, even fighting to stay in contact with my children.

What Survivors Do

Surviving an emotional terrorist was no small feat.  Watching my daughter fall to pieces was far beyond heart wrenching.  To top it off, I’m now facing criminal charges of “custodial interference” for trying to rescue my daughter.

So, what do I do?  Loads of people have told me they don’t know how I’m keeping my sanity, how I’m managing to do anything but curl up in a ball and sob.  Well, first, that won’t get me anywhere.  So, I grabbed my dry erase marker, opened my curtains and made a story board.  I’m now diving into a new novel, partially inspired by our situation.  I’m surprised I can concentrate but the only thing to do when my children are not with me is to focus and continue on with my life.

It isn’t easy… it’s a constant struggle not to pick up my laptop and whip it across the room.  It’s a struggle not to grab a baseball bat and take matters into my own hands.  I’d also love to grab a bottle of vodka and drink until I forget my own name, but that won’t get me anywhere but a massive hangover and a day of recovery.

Marching On

So, despite the daily frustration of living with two men (my hubby and adult son) whose opinions on home cleanliness vary vastly from my own and despite the battle I’ve waged to save my children, this one woman army is marching on.