When shit smacks you in the face

You may notice – I don’t talk about me much.

Personally, I’ve been dealt nearly every form of cruelty this world has to offer, or at least a large portion of it.  I’ve suffered abuse at the hands of tyrants, starvation in order to feed my child, poverty and damage suffered at the hands of those that would call themselves friends (haven’t we all?)

But recently a child has been brought into my life.  Well, he’s not a child.  He is 18.  His story – makes my heart tear in half and cry rivers of blood laden tears.

I met his father a few years back after my divorce.  My mother set us up on a blind date.  It was sort of like oil and water.  He was one of the sweetest people I’ve ever met, but painfully shy and, I didn’t have it in me to drag a shy person into my bold bold life.  There was no chemistry either.  But I remembered his story.  He had custody of his boys, who were the world to him.  The mom was… well, not deserving of the title mother.

Turns out the man I met died in a car accident and the boys he loved so much, wound up in the hands of the woman who didn’t deserve them.  Not only was she taking the Social Security money that was to care of the boys, she charged this young man rent.  Not just a little to teach him responsibility – she charged her high school son $400 a month RENT!

Now this young man, like most 18 year old boys is a bit cocky, and uses foul language (I can’t hold that against him.)  But my daughter being enamoured with him, and his inner strength brought him into my life.  So I started communicating with him.

When things got bad for the young man and he moved in with friends who are charging him $200 a month and he was getting some of the SS money that was meant for him.  He’s poor, he’s hungry, he has health issues with no money or insurance to take care of him and he barely has enough clothes.

This poor boy had already got kicked in the nuts by having 3rd degree burns on his hands as a youngster, a mother who doesn’t love him the way she should and a deceased father.

So, here I am… feeling his pain and anger.  He has finally set his pride aside and allowed me to help.  Now, I’m not wealthy, we’re sort of making it… barely, but I have a plan in motion to help him with his heart medication (and any other medical attention he may need) and I’m going to help him get a license so he can get a job.

Want to know how determined this young man is?  He’s PAYING to home school himself.  Instead of spending money on something fun, or more food than Ramen Noodles, he’s paying to finish high school.  That’s maturity, determination and has earned him a mountain of respect from me.

Like me, he doesn’t want sympathy.  He doesn’t like to talk about all the things that are killing him physically and emotionally.  I don’t talk about it either – because it seems to give it more power.

But it’s taking its toll.

I generally don’t talk religion either – but I’m praying God gives me what I need to help this child.  I think, for once in this young man’s life, he deserves to have someone think about HIS needs. I have 2 kids who already need me…who I’m fighting for as we speak.  I was born with strong shoulders.  I can help this kid.  I can.

This has nothing to do with my books, writing or marketing.  You will notice there is no “Donate” button.  I’m not asking for handouts.  Whatever your faith, say a little prayer, do a rain dance, poke a doll – or whatever for “Brad.”

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